Later, Malcolm worked as a butler to a wealthy Boston bachelor, William Paul Lennon. In New York, two of Malcolm's friends from Michigan remember bumping into him at the YMCA, where Malcolm bragged he earned money servicing 'queers'.
While living in Flint, Michigan, his roommate noticed that instead of sleeping in the room they were sharing, Malcolm sneaked down the hall to spend the night with a gay transvestite named Willie Mae. Later, from the age of 20, Malcolm had sex with men for money - as hinted at in Spike Lee's 1992 biopic - and he had at least one sustained sexual liaison with a man. Malcolm, Bebee recalled, ordered the youth to masturbate him, and subsequently boasted he had given him oral sex.
A schoolmate, Bob Bebee, recalls the day they stumbled on a local boy jerking off. Yet Perry's book documents Malcolm X's many gay experiences.